Call 561-319-6756 or email for more information on our specialized program and how we can meet your competitive goals!
Premium Package $2,400/month
Training for horse and rider. Unlimited lessons and training rides by KVS staff. Also includes the stall, general horse care, feed twice daily designed through our ProElite feed program, top quality hay 3 times daily, stall cleaning, individual turnout (includes changing blankets, bell boots and boots), basic daily grooming as well as trimming and mane pulling, bathing as necessary, basic medical care, laundry, barn and grooming supplies (brushes, towels, soaps, cleaners, pads, fly spray, alcohol, topicals), de-worming program, use of treadmill and Bemer blanket according to an individualized program, all horse show entries, as well as vet and farrier scheduling.
Does not include body clipping, billed at cost and scheduled at trainer’s discretion.
Deluxe Package $2,600/month
Includes the same services as the premium package plus tack up service (horse care before and after ride) as well as tack cleaning for riders limited in time.

Lesson: $75
Training ride by KVS staff member: $50
Horse Show Expenses
Training: $75 per day shown ($100 at finals)
Daycare: $85 per day, mandatory ($100 at finals)
Show Ride: $50 per class by KVS staff member
Ticketed Warm Up: $50 per day by KVS staff member
Braiding: current professional rate
Shipping: rate sheet provided upon request
KVS splits (tack stalls, hotel, per diem for staff, bedding, hay, set up fees, etc.) to be divided by number of horses attending
Horse Show Deposit: a $500 non-refundable deposit per horse will be billed at the beginning of each month for each horse show signed up. The deposit will go towards KVS horse show fees.
Quarterly non-showing fee: should someone not show once a quarter, we will charge $1,200 for that quarter (exceptions are injured horse/rider, rehabbing and retired horses)
Credit Card Convenience Fee: Invoices paid with a credit card will incur a 3% surcharge.

Barn Policies
- Barn Hours: Mondays closed, Tuesday-Friday 8:00am-7:00pm, Saturdays 8:00am-4:00pm, Sundays 8:00am-3:00pm
- We kindly ask you to respect the barn hours and be ready to leave at closing time.
- The barn will be closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and Easter (emergency phone calls only please).
- All riders must sign a liability waiver before handling or riding any horse.
- Each individual is responsible for providing and maintaining their own tack and equipment, Kimber-View is not held responsible for any loss or damage.
- No borrowing tack without permission from your friends or Kimber-View.
- Hard hats are required when mounted; ASTM/SEI approved helmet at all times, no exceptions.
- NO JUMPING unless you are schooled by a Kimber-View staff member.
- Please check with staff about appropriate areas to graze your horse, trail ride etc.
- Please clean up after yourself and your horse.
- Please don’t feed treats to horses other than your own without owner’s permission.
- NO alcohol or smoking permitted on the premises.
- Please NO dogs at Kimber-View.
- Please no phone calls or texts after 8pm and all day Monday to all staff.
- Please no tank tops and tops with spaghetti straps while riding.
- Equipment: a matching KVS trunk, appropriate schooling and showing tack, show items such as scrim, cooler, fake tail – KVS staff will help with questions.
- Kids under 15, riding or just visiting, need to be supervised by an adult at all times.
- Payments must be made within 7 days, payments received later than 10 days after receiving invoice will incur a $25 late fee. 1.5% interest will be charged on balances over 30 days. No horse or pony will be allowed to show if their balance due ages more than 30 days. Everyone is expected to stay current with payments to vendors such as vet, farrier etc.
- Commissions when KVS staff act as agents: we charge a 15% commission on all purchase, sale and lease prices of under $100,000. We charge 10% on all prices of $100,000 or more. When Kimber-View staff act as agents for both parties to a transaction, then each party will be responsible for a commission fee of 7.5% or 5% respectively. Commissions are due at time of contract signing.
- Most importantly: have fun and enjoy your time with your horse and on our property!!!